Lactose Intolerance

Which food Contains Lactose?
Prepared foods made with milk or milk products may include lactose. These include:
- Barfi
- Gajar halwa
- Rice and Milk Kheer
- Tea and Coffee
- Chips or snack crackers (e.g. cheese or ranch flavored)
- Sugar substitutes made with lactose
- Powdered meal replacement supplements
- Hot chocolate mixes
- Cream-based liqueurs

What is Lactase Enzyme?

What is Lactose intolerance?

Signs and Symptoms associated with Lactose Intolerance:
- Abdominal pain
- Diarrhea
- Bloating
- Gas
Who are in danger for lactose prejudice?

Who are Intolearnt to Lactose?
- Ethnic background:Â Asian, African, Spain and Native Americans peoples suffers mostly with lactose intolerance at young age.
- Peoples having Problem in digestive tract:Â Peoples having problems with intestine such as their inflammation and celiac disease have a low level of Lactase enzyme by which their conversion is difficult.
- Infection:Â Kids which have been suffered from diarrhea are more likely to develop this.
- Age:Â Age is an important factor and is responsible for the decrement of Lactase level in body. As the peoples are getting older the amount of lactase production by their body also decreases.
Enjoy Dairy with Bioven Lactase!
Bioven Lactase Enzyme Drops contain lactase enzyme, a safe natural enzyme that is usually found in the digestive system. It works by breaking down the complex milk sugar lactose, into two more easily digestible sugars – glucose and galactose. To use, Simply add three drops of Bioven Lactase enzyme to a pint of milk, gently shake, refrigerate for 24 hours and it is ready to use in cooking, beverages and cereals, hot or cold. Three drops will reduce the lactose by 70% which suits the large majority of people. Bioven Lactase Enzyme Tablets are designed to work in the acid environment of the stomach and are convenient when eating out. Chew 1-2 tablets immediately before consuming any food containing lactose.
Any tests for Lactose Intolerance?
There are many tests available for confirming Lactose Intolerance or Lactose Indigestion. These tests are described as follows:
H2-Breath Test:
The Principle behind this test is increase of H2 in respiratory air after lactose challenge. The amount of hydrogen may vary when there is a problem with the digestion or absorption of food in the small intestine. At the start of this test the patient is instructed to blow a balloon and the concentration of breath is measured in a sample of breath removed from the balloon. The patient is then administered a small amount of Lactose sugar and the concentration of hydrogen is then checked again and the pattern of Hydrogen production is interpreted.

Lactose Tolerance Test:
The principle behind this test is increase of blood sugar after Lactose challenge. This test also requires you to take a liquid containing lactose. After some time your doctor takes a blood sugar sample and checks whether the blood sugar level in your blood rises or not and if it does not rises then your body is not digesting Lactose. If the blood glucose level raise less than 20mg/dl within 2 hours of intake then you are Lactose intolerant.
Lactase activity at Jejunal Brush Border:
The principle behind this test is the enzymatic activity of lactase enzyme in biopsy sample. There exists a significant correlation between brush border Lactase and the maximum blood glucose rise after Lactose intake.
Stool acidity test:
A stool acidity test may be used for infants and children who are unable to perform other examinations. Undigested lactose fermentation creates lactic acid and other acids that can be detected in a sample of stools.